Friday, September 4, 2009

Back on the Homefront (day4)

Well, since the girls left it's been a bit too quiet around here. On Tuesday Ruby and I went for a run around Reed's Lake, made dinner, and then and gave the inside of Michelle's car a good cleaning. Wednesday night I went mountain biking got home made dinner, mowed the lawn, got out the weed trimmer for the second time this summer, and took Ruby for a 25 minute walk. Thursday after work I took Ruby up to Wabasis Lake Park where we visited the Cool family (they are camping there for the week). Ruby got to do some swimming,which their kids found very entertaining. She found a spot where she was taking about a 6 foot running leap into the water off from a ledge. When she hit the water she would make a huge splash and actually submerge for an instant. I almost wish we had a camera to get a photo, she was fun to watch. Then today I took the dog for another lap around Reed's Lake, this time during my lunch hour, then tonight we took a good walk after dinner, and I did laundry,dishes and the bathroom got a major cleaning (scrubbed the ceiling, walls and floor). Now it's time to unwind!

From home, Dan and the dog

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