Friday, March 30, 2007

What's Up Doc?

So last Friday (3/23/07) Michelle had another appointment with the specialist and the ultrasound showed that the baby is growing at a normal rate. They checked her all out again and everything looks to be developing very well. They even ran an estimate on her weight... 1 lb. 7 oz :) However, there was some bad news with the good, Michelle’s cervix is getting shorter (I hope that’s not too much information for anyone). Anyway, he really emphasized that she had to stay off her feet as much as possible, and anybody that knows Michelle knows that is a challenge for her. The doctor wanted to consult with Michelle’s OBGYN to decide if she needed to go to bed-rest. Well, they finally called back on Tuesday and said she could continue with her “modified bed rest" (which means as much time as possible lying down, she could still sit at her desk at work, but not much more than that). Today we went back again and the ultrasound was not showing up as well as they would like. They said there was some sort of local contraction occurring right where they wanted to measure and thus it did not allow them to get an accurate measurement. So we go in again on Tuesday (4/2/07). The doctor warned us that if the cervix has shortened any more from where it was on 3/23/07 they would administer an injection of steroids to start giving the lungs a little “jump start”. He assured us that it is totally safe and would be out of Michelle’s body within 24 hours yet would continue to help baby along for the next 3-4 weeks. Every indication that he’s given us so far is that this kid wants to get out early. He said our ultimate goal is to keep her in there until week 30, that’s 5 more weeks.

On a lighter note, the cedar closet is complete and is beginning to become populated. I moved the bed out of the spare bedroom and now I’ve begun patching nail holes and repairing a few cracks in the plaster (prep work for primer). The goal is to wash down the walls and mask off the floor/trim Tomorrow (Saturday) and apply primer on Sunday. Then hopefully I can paint the walls during the week or at the latest next Friday (depending on doctor’s appointments and such). And finally paint any trim over the remainder of Easter weekend, by which time one of us should be able to supply another progress report.

Until then, Happy Easter.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 20, 2007

Well, first of all, I should say that we visited the doctor last Friday (3/16) and there has been no change in my condition....which is good. No bed rest!!! I never thought I'd be so excited to "get to" go to work. Anyway, I still can be seen meandering around a grocery store or hopping in the car for a quick trip to the gas station or out to see some friends. We have a growth ultrasound scheduled for this coming Friday where they will check me out again and make sure the condition has stabilized. If so, I get to wait 2 whole weeks before I go back for another check up. It's like time off for good behaviour. Just to keep you all in tune with how large I'm getting on the couch - here's the latest "belly shots"

This first one is me at 22 weeks:

....and here's a week later....

I have to say that with all my couch time - Dan's been really helpful AND has got the closet all wrapped up. :) Time to start the next project.... no, not a new engine for the jeep...the nursery!

But, not to worry, Dan still finds time to hang out on the couch with his little girl...Ruby, that is....

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March 14, 2007

Michelle has a condition that makes the doctors want to keep a close eye on things and thus they do ultrasounds every couple weeks, but to this point they encourage her to stay active, continue exercise as long as she keeps her heart rate under control. So she has continued exercising, she’s been taking a prenatal yoga class, she has continued jogging on the treadmill (while wearing a heart rate monitor and keeping below her lactic threshold), and has even found time to take Ruby on a walks several times every week.
Well last Friday she had a visit with the doctor and they did another ultrasound. From the ultrasound they saw some progress that they did not like real well, and as such they suggested that she take it really easy for the next week to see if this progression continues. They told her to try to stay off her feet. No Yoga, no jogging, no walking the dog, no lifting objects, no laundry, no vacuuming the carpet (pretty much no activity). So this week has been a challenge for her. Basically the doctors want to see if when she stops the high level of activity if the undesirable progress also stops. If so it’s simple, she just has to take it easy for a while, if not, she’ll be ordered to bed rest. She’s got another appointment this Friday to get the verdict, hopefully that goes well. In the mean time I nearly finished the closet project. The drywall is hung and I’ve also finished the walls with a cedar lining. I went to Home Depot last night to get shelving and hanger rods but they either do not carry the stuff I want or they were out, we then went to Menards and found the right stuff but they were out of the mounting hardware and the store closed before I could ask anyone any questions. So as it works out I’ll be heading back to Menards this weekend and hopefully put the finishing touches on the closet so I can begin the baby’s room.