Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Library Chaos

Today was the first time I've taken Addison to the library. I have contemplated the trip for quite some time - Addison LOVES her books, she loves it when we read to her and I actually think that she tries to read to herself sometimes (which is hillarious!) Anyway, today was the day. I am contemplating joining a book club and wanted to pick up the book thry're reading - A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini - so it was a "kill two birds with one stone" idea. Right? Wrong...

Not only did I not pick up my book, but my whole perception of a nice, peaceful and serene library was blown away. Welcome to the kids section of the library where kids run free, play with trains, yell at the fish and some EGR mothers forget to teach their children manners and patience.

To start things off, we learned that the kids section is conveniently located downstairs where the temper tantrums and lack of social consciousness go unnoticed by the general public. Addison's first wonderful discovery was the fish tank with TURTLES! We spent some time checking out the fish, making fish faces and marvelling at the swimming turtles. Then it was off to the magnetic wall with the letters and the gears. Then she noticed the books - wait, there's books in this place!! A LOT of books! I tried to find some that were age appropriate to take home while keeping Addison from creating a huge disaster by pulling all the books off the shelf and piling them on the ground - I was envisioning her trying to read them and tearing pages...I really didn't want to get kicked out on our first visit.
After she had her fill of all the books (or maybe just disappointed that mom kept putting them away), she found a dollhouse to play with - she was especially intrigued with the "grandpa" doll and repeatedly pointed out that he was wearing 'glasses.' This was all good, until a sweet little blonde girl approached and wanted to play with the dollhouse too. Addison promptly took a doll from the girl's hand and declared 'MINE' - um, CAN WE PLEASE LEARN TO SHARE??? The little girl cried and needed comforting while Addison seemed completely unaffected by the fact that she'd obviously caused the distress - which was quite disturbing for me. The little girl came back and Addison allowed her to play with some of the dolls and furniture, although it took a lot of monitoring, quite a bit of correction, and even some apologies for bad behaviour. Mommy decided that maybe we should play somewhere else. So, off to the train station... here, Addison was the recepient of the bullying. As she tried to demolish the forest in the middle of the train table, it seems she was in the way of a couple young boys who were determined to see Thomas make it all the way around the table. By this time the library had become utter chaos. Seeing as Wednesday is storytelling day, I think the kid's section was at maximum capacity - kids all over, some mom's (or nanny's?) on their cell phones while the kids run all over and climb on the chairs or spill all the legos...

I think we were in there 45 minutes when mommy decided it was time to try to coax Addison out. I grabbed our coats in one arm and made my way to the check out counter with a slightly resistant child in the other arm. Phew, I'm second in line after the woman just finishing up, but wait, as I approach the counter (child getting ever more resistant) there's a woman who walks up with her daughter and informs me they just have a "quick question", do you NOT see the precarious situation unfolding here??? Apparently, she did not. She simply continues to address the librarian with the question of utmost importance:

"What happened to the kitchen toys? My daughter expects to see them here and is disappointed she can't find them..."

Seriously? You couldn't wait?
It's at this point I give up the struggle and let Addison wander seems there are other parents doing the same and I'm not about to battle it out because some woman can't be patient, or teach her child (note: child is roughly 4) the commonly accepted practice of WAITING YOUR TURN.
Now, I realize that patience is not a virtue I posess, but at least I try!

So, now I'm finally checking out. I try to keep Addison in sight and successfully track her down at the fish tank after I have books in hand. We managed to get out with not too much racket...Addison just had a minor collision with a pole while trying to avoid being snatched up for the ride on the elevator. Of course there was a monumental fit on the way home because the books were in the front seat, out of her reach...

phew. Next time I'll be more prepared...
No more nice, quiet library. At least I still have nice, quiet naptime!!


The VanderPloeg's said...

Michelle! This is too funny! I can't believe you're first trip to the EGR library was this eventful!! We are there all the time. and i am usually one of the moms who isn't paying attention to my kids while reading a magazine - ha! BUT - my kids are always more well behaved at the library! Lainy goes into imagination land, and Rory too loves the doll house and the magnets etc...

they recently rearranged the lids area and got rid of a lot of things they used to have, like the kitchen. Many don't like it - obvisouly. Some people surely have nerve!

I hope you can go back again with a better experience!

you made my morning with your story telling. thanks!


Lisa said...

Have you been to the GR branch downtown? It's a beautiful library...never did see the kid's section b/c it was pre-Katie. But you might give that a try. Our Cascade branch was nice, too.

Other than that, I pretty much find moms let their kids run amok these days. The really well behaved ones are in the minority. Makes you wonder what they're like at home??? Eeeeeek.

Well, I feel your pain. Hope it doesn't scare you from another visit.


Mel and Dave said...

Addison is so CUTE! That was really funny, Michelle. (says the woman with no children :-) )

I've read A Thousand Splendid Suns - It's really good...I had a hard time putting it down. (again, says the woman with no children :-) )