Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Look out World, here comes Addison

11-1/2 months and walking. She started last Wednesday, July 2nd. She probably be running two weeks from now on her birthday.


The VanderPloeg's said...

YEA FOR ADDISON! How exciting you guys - your baby is getting big waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to fast - it seems like just yesterday you were on bed rest, Michelle!

We miss you guys - let's get together soon for a cook out or something. OR perhaps even an adult night out sans the girls!


Lisa said...

Oh my gosh she is so stinkin' cute!!! It's hard to believe it's already been a year. Next thing you know she'll be hitting you up for the keys to the truck. :-)

Miss you guys. See you soon.


Lisa said...

Happy 1st birthday to Addison...since here in the desert it's technically still her birthday. Hope you guys had a blast. We had a wonderful birthday at our end, too! See you soon.


Lisa said...

P.P.S. (since this is my third comment on this post): Have you seen this: I thought it was kind of cool.

I'll let you guys know when we plan to be in GR. It's so good to be in Michigan!!
