The doctor says I'm 3cm dilated - a good start but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll be going any time soon. My sister was quick to point out that she was at a 3 for about 4 weeks... Anyway, we had an ultrasound last week also and they estimated her weight to be 6lbs 10oz +/- 8 oz They said she's in the 48th percentile. Right on track. All good news! I have to say that I'm not outrageously uncomfortable at this point, so I'm okay that she's still hanging out inside. I still have a list of things I'd like to get done before she arrives, but, really, I think the list could be unending and all the imperative things are taken care of so I guess that makes me "ready"
Here's a few bare belly shots....
Outside of the baby watch, Dan and I have been taking Ruby swimming (of course) and tending to the garden - which is doing pretty well... enjoy the pics!
So glad you can be on your feet.
You look great.
We need to see some pictures of the completed nursery!
I hope you dont mind...I check out your blog from time to time through Jo's. Its just that your dog looks so much like mine and Red wants to play. And...your going to have a baby and its so exciting. After seeing your back on your feet (yea for you)I also noticed you were getting so very close!! Congrats hope all continues to go well!
I check in quite often and wanted to say that I am thinking of you and praying as the day draws closer! You look AMAZING!!! Nick says hello as well. Also, I just left a random note on your sister's blog. I think its amazing that she is a child advocacy lawyer with a passion to adopt! We may need her someday! ;)
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