Saturday, November 15, 2008


Last weekend Dan headed up North for what could easily be considered the final outdoor sporting event of the season - the Iceman Cometh Challenge. I would say that I've been dormant since September, but Dan has been out on his mountain bike a fair amount in the past couple months. Now, there have been years past where Dan has spent more time training, but I would say he still got in a good amount of riding this year. This "Iceman" is a 28-mile mountain bike race from Kalkaska to Traverse City. For those of you not familiar with Michigan, this is North of us about 3 hours - usually a little cooler than here at any time of the year. So, the race is appropriately named "iceman" (Dan just chimed in saying that he thought I was being misleading, but I attempted - yes, ATTEMPTED - this race ONE TIME and it was ICE and SNOW and MISERY!!) Anyhow, he did great - finished in 2 hours and 23 minutes. I believe he would even agree that he did well...and had plenty of brew to celebrate the fact which returned him home in a worthless state...but, I'm happy he did well and had a great time :)

So, now I would say we are both in a dormant state... I think it's appropriate for the winter season. Our weather here has finally turned. I did appreciate the late tease of 70 degree weather last week, however, I think that was truly the last of the 'nice' weather for quite awhile. Today was still nice enough to bundle up Addison and walk to the Wilcox Park where Ruby could play fetch and Addison could giggle on the swing. It seems like the swings are currently her favorite playground activity. I usually try to encourage her to be social and play in the little fort-type play area with the slides etc, but tonight she took one ride down the slide and left me for the swings. Luckily for me, she still needs a push!