Not much has changed in the past few weeks. At the time of our last entry, Addison was just starting to crawl; now she is really moving around. On one hand you really got to keep an eye on her. It used to be you could set her on the carpet in the middle of the room, run down stairs to sort laundry and start a load and return five minutes later to find her in the same place playing with her toys. Nowadays, you run down stairs for two minutes to find that she’s made it from the living room to the kitchen and she’s playing with the dog’s food bowl. On the Other hand it's nice because she can move around an entertain herself while we are busy getting ready in the morning or cooking a meal. As of late, Ruby’s
Kong toy is also Addison’s favorite toy, whenever Addison catches a glimpse of that thing she drops anything she has and starts heading straight for it. Oh, and we’ve attempted the following little test several times: We set Addison in the middle of the room Mom goes to one side of the room and Dad goes to the opposite side of the room and we see who is her favorite. The answer is….hands down… no competition… she loves her dog the best. This test has been performed on almost a daily basis and the result is always the same.
On Saturday, May 1st the sun came out and the temps got up into the mid 30’s, so that afternoon we headed over to Wilcox Park to go sledding. There is a little hill on the south end of the park where we thought we could see how Addison would react. She was neither scared nor excited; I guess you would say she was expressionless.

Ruby on the other hand was beside herself with excitement.
We went up and down the hill about twenty times and every time we climbed to the top of the hill she could not wait for the moment that we took off so she could chase after us down the hill. 
Plus she just loves the opportunity to be a social butterfly and showcase her speed and agility to the other members of the the canine pack.