The doctor says I'm 3cm dilated - a good start but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll be going any time soon. My sister was quick to point out that she was at a 3 for about 4 weeks... Anyway, we had an ultrasound last week also and they estimated her weight to be 6lbs 10oz +/- 8 oz They said she's in the 48th percentile. Right on track. All good news! I have to say that I'm not outrageously uncomfortable at this point, so I'm okay that she's still hanging out inside. I still have a list of things I'd like to get done before she arrives, but, really, I think the list could be unending and all the imperative things are taken care of so I guess that makes me "ready"
Here's a few bare belly shots....
Outside of the baby watch, Dan and I have been taking Ruby swimming (of course) and tending to the garden - which is doing pretty well... enjoy the pics!