Monday, June 25, 2007

Bye Bye Bedrest

Ah, free at last! I have thoroughly enjoyed my first full week off of bedrest. I attacked the weeds by my rose bushes, took Ruby for walks, went swimming and tackled the nursery! The nursery looks quite nice now, if I may say so myself. I wouldn't say it's perfect, but it's definitely ready for a baby. So, now we're playing the waiting game - I told the baby she can come any time...I'm trying to persuade her to come on July 1st. I told her that would be a pretty neat birthdate but not to procrastinate and wait until the last minute - she has to give me a little time to help her out. We'll see what she thinks about far she's just responded with a few little jabs and kicks.

The doctor says I'm 3cm dilated - a good start but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll be going any time soon. My sister was quick to point out that she was at a 3 for about 4 weeks... Anyway, we had an ultrasound last week also and they estimated her weight to be 6lbs 10oz +/- 8 oz They said she's in the 48th percentile. Right on track. All good news! I have to say that I'm not outrageously uncomfortable at this point, so I'm okay that she's still hanging out inside. I still have a list of things I'd like to get done before she arrives, but, really, I think the list could be unending and all the imperative things are taken care of so I guess that makes me "ready"

36 weeks...and 37 weeks (yes, those are biking shorts)

Here's a few bare belly shots....

Outside of the baby watch, Dan and I have been taking Ruby swimming (of course) and tending to the garden - which is doing pretty well... enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More photos of our dog

So we got a new lens for my nearly obsolete Nikon N50 film camera the other day and we had to try it out, so guess what subject we elected to photograph. That's right, Ruby. We took her down to Reed's Lake, which has become a regularly scheduled event, and Ruby went into action chasing the ball like there was no tomorrow. It took a few days to get the film developed and scanned to disk, but this is what we got.

And just so you all know how Bed Rest is working out for Michelle...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Spring Fever

I can't believe it's June already!! The days are long and the weather is great, spring is in the air - and so is every pollen spore imaginable... I'd just like to say that if you are reading this and you don't suffer from allergies, you should take a long moment to breathe deep and thank the good Lord! This year is different from the past few years because Dan has been getting allergy shots for the last year and thankfully they are working so he can now be outside and enjoy the weather with little reaction - the allergies are still there, but they are FAR better. I still have allergies and they seem worse this year, but I'm pretty sure that it's just because Dan doesn't look like he's on his death bed every day. I've been staying inside...on my couch for the most part but there are those irrisistable moments when the outdoors call and I venture out to enjoy the garden (which is growing wonderfully!), the strawberry patch, the peonies, and the roses - I try not to pay too much attention to the weeds I can't pull... Dan's been doing his best to control them as much as possible with all the other things going on. He did a major overhaul the other day and everything looks so much better :)
Outside of the weather and allergies, I'm getting extremely stir crazy. I just want to clean things up and get all the nursery things put away and have the baby's room ready for the baby! I'm trying to be patient but I have this impending sense of doom that I'll go into labor before the doctor's tell me I can be up and about - which is at 36 weeks...2 weeks from tomorrow. I see the little countdown on the blog and try to tell myself that maybe I'll have the 40+ days left. We have a carseat (thank you gma and aunties) so she can come home and I'm sure it will all work out but I still have a little panicked feeling. I'm certain I'll be a flurry of extreme nesting-ness once I get the "ok" from the doctor. Well, maybe not a flurry... but definitely motivated.
Enjoy the pics!