Michelle's parents came in from California on Friday and took off on Tuesday morning. Michelle had her baby shower on Saturday and it was nice that her mom was able to attend. While the girls were at the baby shower Michelle's dad and I made our way to the farmers market to get fresh asparagus, Sevens paint store to get paint for our rental unit, and then we went to a couple greenhouses to get vegetable plants for the garden. When the girls returned home Michelle perched herself onto a lounge chair in the back yard and began to dictate where each of the plants was to be planted. Sunday was a little less active. We went to church service in the morning and Michelle's mom put together a couple dinners and froze them so we'll have them at a later date, she's great like that. I found a little time to do some prep work for painting at the rental and we later found time to play a few games as a family. I took Monday off from work and spent more time with Michelle’s parents, we played yet a few more games and in the evening we took Ruby over to Reeds Lake. There’s a section near the south end of the park where we always let Ruby off the leash and let her swim. There seems to be nothing that dog likes more than to play fetch in the water. She fetched for about ten minutes until the ducks started to tease her. Believe it or not, she was retrieving the ball when a duck flew in and landed right in her return path. She stayed the course and brought the ball back to me but she really wanted to go back in after the duck. A short time after that, another duck came over and before you knew it there were four ducks swimming around in circles right where we were playing. She behaved pretty well, for a while. I left her off the leash and we played fetch on land and she was great. Then the ducks came in closer to shore and I too was having a hard time restraining myself from letting her go in after them, finally we all had enough, Michelle, her dad, and I all agreed we would just see what happened if we let her go. She made a run for it. She hit the water and the ducks lifted off, flew about ten feet and landed and continued to tease her, she closed in on them and they would just lift off for about 10 more feet and land again, trying to get her to follow them towards the center of the lake. I've talked to several people at Reed's lake that have had to have their dogs rescued by boaters because the ducks had led them out to the middle of the lake and would not come back on their own, but Ruby didn't fall for their game, she came back in as soon as I called her. She's the best!
and now, the rest of the story
4 years ago